Food nutrition: essence and characteristics

the essence of a drinking diet to lose weight

Some women dream of losing weight so badly that they are willing to take "extreme action" for this - to the utter refusal to eat. They are those who use a variety of exotic and risky diets, whose diet is unbalanced and can have a negative impact on health. Not surprisingly, diets like these sometimes take the victim to a hospital bed.

Some women dream of losing weight so badly that they are willing to take "extreme action" for this - to the utter refusal to eat. They are the ones who use a variety of exotic and risky diets, whose diet is unbalanced and can have a negative impact on health. Not surprisingly, diets like these sometimes take the victim to a hospital bed.

Dieting is also dangerous. In order not to be baseless, we will analyze the essence of this diet from point to point and provide detailed critical explanations of all important matters. And it is up to you to determine whether the struggle with the additional number of such victims is very valuable.

The essence of diet

If the recommendation for most diets suggests eating at least something, a limited type of food, there is nothing in this diet at all. You just have to drink - and this is at least one and a half liters of water a day.

In addition, it is allowed to take milk, liquid fermentation milk products, juices, mineral water, cocoa and broth, mashed soup, tea, coffee (by the way, no explanation where sugar is allowed). Menu "a la blockade Leningrad", and voluntarily.

The authors of the drinking diet take care of the health of their "ward" in a strange way, stating that soda is harmful to the body and should not be drunk.

It is recommended to follow this diet not for a week, or even two - but exactly thirty days. The creators of the diet discuss the incredible sensations and incredible light feelings that appear in a few weeks.

Pioneers of the method argue that the weight of the diet is that we can not force ourselves not to chew food, but only to drink. We should overcome our stress - and thus our problem. They proved to be easily deceived and dreamed of losing weight for women (and men, though there are fewer of them) that there were enough calories in a lifelong diet, and the discomfort from the diet was just psychological.

The author promises to cleanse the hollow organs at the beginning of the drinking diet. Moreover, the types of organs that are in their minds remain a mystery. After all, the bladder is actually a hollow organ. On the same day, the appearance of secretions from the body and the formation of mucus on the tongue is promised (most likely, the author means plaque).

Next, the developer talks about cleansing the dense organs - the liver and kidneys. Therefore, discomfort in their area is promised. In the last stage of the diet, cleansing is promised at the cellular level.

In addition, the authors give the disadvantages to those who lose weight and let them formulate a "diet" at their own discretion - by considering, of course, one and a half liters of water promised daily. This descriptive apotheosis is the phrase "You need to keep an eye on your chair" - they want it to be normal! As a result, weight loss of between 10 and 15 kg is promised, but how much does it cost?

Benefits of a Drinking Diet

According to doctors, the only advantage of this diet is the formation of the will, with its help you can force your body not to eat for a full thirty days, even in practice it is a deliberate hunger strike. Diet does not bring positive aspects for a person, and especially for his health.

If the author recommends such a fasting day, can only drink all the ingredients used, as a relief (one or two days a week or a month) - this is normal. But the deliberate hunger for a month is masochism.

Alcohol drinking diet

the pros and cons of a drinking diet

Need to discuss the dangers of such a "diet" - perhaps this will make those who lose weight wonder if they need such a health sacrifice, and calculate the cost of treatment when leaving the "diet".

Fasting itself is a slow stress and death of the body, the loss of cells in some organs of the body becomes irreversible. During fasting - even partially, as in this diet - the internal organs deteriorate and they lose up to 75% of their activity.

In the future, it will take at least another half month to get out of this diet, otherwise the body will refuse to eat at all, anorexia will develop - a dangerous disease involving the soul.

The story of internal organ cleansing is a ruse. There is no cleaning of hollow organs (bladder, stomach and intestines), no need to clean for a month, so it is hollow, which can be filled and emptied as needed - several times a day.

To cleanse the stomach and intestines, it is enough to take laxatives or fast on kefir or apples. Drinking clean water is enough to clean your bladder.

Next, the author talks about the appearance of choice. Mucus talks about damage to internal organs and inflammatory processes in them. White-coated tongue is a sign of gastritis and duodenitis, usually with a decrease in secretions, or inflammation with a violation of intestinal digestive function.

With monthly fluid intake, mucosal atrophy and deficiency of enzymes for digestion are formed. Furthermore, the body will refuse to take solid food, vomiting and diarrhea will occur immediately. You will need enzymes for many years.

Due to the disorder of fat intake (if you do not use vegetable oil), the skin will lose nutrients and become dull, dry and rough, it will crack. Due to the abundance of juices and allergens, you may experience skin and intestinal allergies, which will not add beauty and charm.

This is protein starvation, which means that hematopoiesis function with the development of anemia, sexual function and immunity will suffer. On such a diet, many girls lose menstruation, suffer from infections and severe pneumonia, even in the summer.

The author recommends observing feces. But, with their remorse, there is no need to monitor him - he will be absent for the first time, while the enzyme residues will still overwhelm the incoming fluid, or within a week or two the diarrhea will be severe diarrhea due to pancreatic disorders- This will definitely lead to dehydration and toxicosis. And then - to recognize resuscitation in the intensive care unit.

As a result of protein loss and active drinking, "hungry" edema will occur. However, the phrase "swelling with hunger" is a real medical pathology. Thus, all the fluid drunk will stay in the tissue, forming edema in it, and the weight will be slightly lost, simply due to the separation of the tissue itself.

Will I lose weight?

rules for weight loss during the drinking diet

Of course, even the fattest and frugal body loses weight for a month of hunger strike. But health makes you overweight. In addition, when you leave the diet, the extra pounds can be returned to you threefold. However, health may not be restored to you at all - is it worth 15 kilograms of such a sacrifice? After all, there are more balanced and gentle methods.

Is it really impossible?

In this form - will not happen. However, there are healthy grains in this method. By just drinking, you can spend the day fasting. You will not be able to drink a large number of high-calorie beverages, which means that one or two days (but not consecutive) a week you can unload.

On average, such impulse fasting journeys can be done 3-4 weeks in a row, choosing a specific day of the week. For example:

  • in the first week we do not eat on Mondays and Fridays,
  • for the second one - on Wednesdays and Saturdays,
  • on the third - on Mondays and Thursdays,
  • on the fourth - on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

In general, the doctor's opinion on this type of "diet" is categorical: in the form described by the author - one hundred percent "no", as a day of fasting - is possible, but only with the consent of the doctor.